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Thursday, March 11, 2010

Close Your Eyes and Visualize Saudi Arabia

Pet Peeve: Nothing irks me more than people who are geographically challenged. In high school a teacher asked one of my classmates to locate Iraq on one of those big pull down maps that hang from the chalkboard and this fool looked for Iraq in...South America. I died a little. Readers you don't have to be a geography bee champ like my dad, but please, pleeease know the seven continents. Please know that there are seven continents.

I included this map to give you an idea of how far the cities are from one another.
I'm going from Dubai to Jeddah. From Jeddah to Madinah and from Madinah to Makkah.

Dubai - UAE, Northeast
Jeddah - West
Medina (Madinah) - North of Jeddah
Mecca (Makkah) - South of Jeddah and Medina

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