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Friday, March 12, 2010

Dubai, and Jeddah, and Squat Toilets! Oh, my!

My flight left JFK in NYC at 11 am and I arrived in Dubai at 10pm (American time) or 9am (Dubai time) by Emirates. It was a 12hr nonstop flight.

I endured the eight hour layover at Dubai airport by sitting, window shopping, eating, sitting, eating, sitting, and sitting. It took two hours to reach Jeddah by airbus. I hated standing in line for immigration; I was hot, hungry, tired, and I really needed to use the restroom. I encountered my first, cue dramatic music, ton ton tooonnn...squat toilet. It's weird at first, but not difficult to use if you have some sense of balance.

Outside, a cool breeze took me by surprise. I wasn't expecting it after roasting inside the airport. My parents and I stopped at a popular Saudi fast food place to eat. I didn't go inside, but from the car I saw separate seating for men and women and it hit me...we're not in Kansas anymore (I hope you're getting these Wizard of Oz references).

With my stomach full, I sat comfortably in the car and drifted in and out of sleep for five hours until we reached Madinah...

Dubai airport

McD's are everywhere!

I called it a "banana mobile" and Papa was like, "It's not banana mobile! It's Lamborghini." That doesn't negate the fact that it looks like a banana on wheels.

Dubai airport has so many nice shops.

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